
АнглиЙский язык



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Английский язык

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Вопросы тестирования по предмету - Английский язык.  ТПУ

 • Which of the following is not a bio-mass source?

 • Fuel formed under the earth's surface by the decomposition of organic matter is called.

 • Which of the following causes the least pollution when burnt? 

• Which of these is not a renewable source of energy?

 • Harmful radiation emitted by the sun is .

 • Please, forgive me you. It was so rude.

 • They persuaded me more money. 

• I prefer fruit cake to chocolate cake

 • Jack is really bad at a bicycle. 

• I thought you were about . 

• Read the text about the development of mass production techniques. Decide if the statement is true or false. 

• A major development in manufacturing in the twentieth century was mass production techniques. 

 • Each worker in an assembly line in the automobile assembly plant performs an unlimited number of operations until the product is assembled. 

 • Industrial engineers have done a lot to increase productivity on assembly lines.

• Painting the industrial apparatus in bright colors increases productivity on assembly lines. 

• The new word ‘automation’ was created in the twentieth century to describe tasks done by people.

• The idea of automation in manufacturing processes is rather new. 

• In the Middle Ages no devices were used to make windmills to turn.

• Computer-controlled automation of assembly line manufacturing was the first to apply to industry. 

• The first industrial revolution took in England. 

• This power could railway engines.

 • In the second revolution was the technical driving force. 

 • The third industrial revolution is connected with the advent of the . 

 • My mum has just had her hair by a hairdresser in the town

 • The car broke down, so we had it by a mechanic. • Let's get a pizza before the film starts.

 • Did you get your book by the author? 

• Garry is going to have his face blue for the party!

 • Fred has had his car .

 • She is having the curtains . 

• I will have my blood pressure .

 • I had this coffee stain from the suit. 

• My husband is having his eye-sight . 

 • In this text the rapid expansion of scientific knowledge is connected with .

 • Read the text about different engineering specialties. Choose the best answer. 

• According to the text industrial engineering is concerned with 

 • Electronic engineering is a subdivision emerged from engineering. 

 • The area which is not of engineers’ concern is .

 • Engineers are working on the projects connecting with the development of nuclear .

• Mechanical engineers together with other specialists made a great to electronic engineering. 

• According to the text engineers must keep up with in their profession. 

 • Choose the right alternative to complete the sentence. 

• The age of electricity began in . 

• Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence. 

• Faraday demonstrated that it was possible to produce an electric by means of a magnetic field. 

• Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence. 

• Power work on the design and maintenance of the power grid. 

• Choose the right alternative.

 • Transformers play an important role in because they allow power to be converted to and from higher voltages.

 • Choose the right alternative.

 • The wire and the electric source together form . 

• Choose the right alternative.

 • The of minerals like magnetite was known to the ancient Greeks. 

• Choose the right alternative. 

 • Electric current is a flow of electric through a medium.

 • Electrical engineers typically possess an academic degree with a major in engineering. 

• Find two right definitions for the following term: • “engineer” 

• Find two right definitions for the following term:  “material”

 • Find two right definitions for the following term:  “device” 

• Match the words with the definitions.

 Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence

Fill in the gap with the correct word derived from the word in bold.

 • Vehicles that run only on electricity produce no tailpipe Vehicles that run only on electricity produce no

• Resistance is a material's opposition to the flow of electric .

 • Electron is a stable elementary present in all atoms, orbiting the nucleus in numbers equal to the atomic number of the element in the neutral atom.

• Superconductivity by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes on April 8, 1911 in Leiden. 

• Resistance is in ohms.

 • Materials that occupy a place between the conductors of the electric current and the non-conductors are called .

 • The electromotive force is the very force that moves the electrons from one point in an electric towards another.

• Electrical engineering is a field of engineering that generally deals with the study and of electricity.

 • If you touch a socket with wet hands, you an electric shock. 

• If I noticed Nick, I would have stopped him.

 • Electron is a stable elementary present in all atoms, orbiting the nucleus in numbers equal to the atomic number of the element in the neutral atom. 

 • current is the current that changes direction periodically. 

 • Materials that occupy a place between the conductors of the electric current and the non-conductors are called .

 • The electromotive force is the very force that moves the electrons from one point in an electric towards another. 

 • If you touch a socket with wet hands, you an electric shock. 

• If I noticed Nick, I would have stopped him. 

• I look like a shiny black rock. I am a fossil fuel that is buried underground. I am often transported by river barges. I can pollute the air when I am burned to make electricity.

• I'm a gas with no color, no taste and no smell. Companies give me a funny smell so that you can tell if I escape. Companies drill wells to pump me from the ground.I am the cleanest burning fossil fuel.

• My energy is used to make electricity. I am used to make nuclear power. My energy does not pollute the air. My waste is radioactive and can be dangerous. 

• People drill wells to pump me from the ground and under the ocean. I am made into lots of things, like gasoline and plastics. I make more energy than any other energy source. I am a fossil fuel that pollutes the air when I am burned

• Mrs. Pottson didn't allow her guests in the living room. • We expected the Harrisons a new cottage at the seaside. 

• Mary would like her brother Tom’s company. 

• We expected in ballroom dancing championships. 

 • Sarah is looking forward to Ответ 

 • Peace activist Baroness Bertha von Suttner encouraged Alfred Nobel a prize for peace. 

 • They wouldn't let the country without the entry visa, would they?

 • The police officer made Neil get out of the car and demanded his driver's licence. 

• In the time of Peter the Great the noblemen were not allowed beards.

 • Fred couldn’t make that he had caught the huge fish himself.

 • Nick was very close to the phone-box and Mary noticed him the number, and then she heard him something to passer-by.

 • It's too late now, but I will always regret John to do the work

 • We stopped for a while the scenery.

 • Did you remember your sister a card? It’s her birthday today.

 • John suggested together in one car. 

• Read the Text "Forms of Energy". Combine the words on the left with the suitable nouns on the right to make collocations from the text.

 • Match the English and Russian equivalents. 

• Match the terms with their definitions. 

 • The capital cost of electric power stations is not very high. 

• Electricity is usually produced locally.

 • The power can flow even if some links are inoperative. 

• Base load is the unvarying (or slowly varying over many hours) portion of the electric demand.

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