
Письменный перевод специальных текстов

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Письменный перевод специальных текстов

  • Письменный перевод специальных текстов (1/1)
  • Укажите соответствие: unrest (n)
  • Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: "I'm going to go for a drive," he said to his wife. "I'll be back in an hour or two."
  • Верны ли соответствия?
  • The underlined word/word combination should be translated in this sentence as: The Czech Bible appeared between 1579-93.
  • Верны ли соответствия?
  • Укажите соответствие: to enable
  • Укажите частеречную принадлежность подчеркнутого слова: It involves a judgement that Smith ought to be working, and that the doctor is not going to aid him in avoiding this responsibility
  • Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: "I'm going to go for a drive," he said to his wife. "I'll be back in an hour or two."
  • Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: "All right," his wife said brightly, as though he were doing her a favor.
  • Укажите соответствие: embassy
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Rain tapped against the glass.
  • В зависимости от формы речи различают два основных вида перевода:
  • К многозначным словам относится слово "party"
  • “Birds of a feather flock together – Рыбак рыбака видит издалека”. В этом примере единицей перевода выступает:
  • Верны ли соответствия?
  • А) embassy – посол
  • В) embassy - руководство
  • Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination. "That picture you have in the window, that still life. Who is it by?"
  • Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: "Excuse me, sir," he said, "but is my face familiar to you by any chance?"
  • Укажите в предложении функцию подчеркнутого слова: In 1442 a wolf was tried in Zurich.
  • Укажите соответствие: appointment
  • Указанный стилистический прием Rude am I in my speech. является:
  • Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: "Is luck money, mother?" he asked, rather timidly. "No, Paul. Not quite. It's what causes you to have money."' "Oh!" said Paul vaguely. "I thought when Uncle Oscar said filthy lucker, it meant money.
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: “What it was like?” Peter asked with curiosity.
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Американцы достаточно легко вступают в контакт, установление контакта чаще всего сводится к кратким формулам: обращение или приветствие + имя.
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: “Did I?” Francis accepted his brother’s knowledge without questions, and for a little the two lay silent in bed facing each other, the same green eyes, the same nose tilting at the tip, the same firm lips parted, and the same premature modeling of the chin.
  • Верны ли соответствия?
  • А) excitement – должность
  • В) excitement – восхищение, восторг
  • Перевод с точки зрения лингвистической теории это:
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: “I can’t remember,” Francis said, and his eyes turned with relief to the silver of day, as he allowed the fragmentary memories to fade.
  • Укажите частеречную принадлежность подчеркнутого слова: At the same time he falls in love with the cloakroom attendant of a drug-store round the corner, a platinum-blonde, ravishingly beautiful, who sings a little better than Galli Curci and Deanna Durbin rolled into one and, in secret, has the greatest histrionic talent of the century.
  • Укажите частеречную принадлежность подчеркнутого слова: The Russian-language tourist brochure produced by Essex County Council for Soviet seamen who come ashore at Tilbury has had to be rewritten.
  • Указанный стилистический прием Have you just said something?является:
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Американское вербальное поведение в коммуникативных сферах распадается на общение со знакомыми, общение с незнакомыми, общение с друзьями, между мужчинами и женщинами.
  • Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination. "That picture you have in the window, that still life. Who is it by?"
  • Верны ли соответствия?
  • К многозначным словам относится слово "thing"
  • Верны ли соответствия?
  • А) dramatically – свободно
  • В) dramatically - резко
  • Указанный стилистический прием Some people go to priests; others to poetry; I to my friends. является:
  • Укажите частеречную принадлежность подчеркнутого слова: The doctor may say, ‘Yes, you ought to have a few days off,’ and then add a diagnostic tag, such as stress or overwork.
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Эти черты американского характера влияют на коммуникативное поведение американцев.
  • Укажите в предложении функцию подчеркнутого слова: Still, the defendants failed to appear.
  • Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: "What's the horse's name?" "He doesn't have a name," said the boy.
  • Верны ли соответствия?
  • А) independent – независимый
  • В) predictable - предсказуемый
  • Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: "All right," his wife said brightly, as though he were doing her a favor.
  • Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: "Aren't you growing too big for a rocking-horse? You're not a very little boy any longer, you know," said his mother.
  • Укажите соответствие: apparently
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: To Peter Morton the whole room seemed suddenly to darken, and he had an impression of a great bird swooping.
  • Проблемами перевода с одного данного языка на другой данный язык занимается:
  • Пользующиеся переводом идентифицируют его с оригиналом функционально, структурно и семантически. Какая идентификация является самой важной?
  • Укажите в предложении функцию подчеркнутого слова: . The costumes are re-created as accurately as possible.
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Американцы организованны, пунктуальны, обязательны и исполнительны, поэтому предпочитают детально планировать свое время.
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: “I dreamed that I was dead”, Francis said.
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: “You are having a bad dream”, Peter said with confidence.
  • Укажите частеречную принадлежность подчеркнутого слова: Tiredness and fatigue are not by any means synonymous. We may feel tired and sleepy without being unduly fatigued, and we may be excessively fatigued without being in any way sleepy.
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Peter’s heart began to beat fast, not with pleasure now but with uneasiness.
  • Верны ли соответствия?
  • А) research – исследование
  • В) research – решение проблемы
  • Укажите частеречную принадлежность подчеркнутого слова: Sleep is not a necessary result of excessive fatigue.
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Through the window he could see a bare bough dropping across a frame of silver.
  • Глагол "should" в английском языке смысловой
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: “What it was like?” Peter asked with curiosity.
  • Верны ли соответствия?
  • А) mercy – положение
  • В) mercy - снисхождение
  • Укажите соответствие: slick
  • Основной единицей перевода выступает:
  • Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: "Aren't you growing too big for a rocking-horse? You're not a very little boy any longer, you know," said his mother.
  • Указанный стилистический прием I will either go to the party or study up or watch TV or sleep. является:
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Rain tapped against the glass.
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Американцы реагируют на слова собеседника достаточно эмоционально, радость или возбуждение демонстрируются с готовностью.
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: To Peter Morton the whole room seemed suddenly to darken, and he had an impression of a great bird swooping.
  • Укажите соответствие: applicant
  • Указанный стилистический прием The suffering was sweet! является:
  • Укажите частеречную принадлежность подчеркнутого слова: Forget these misleading examples because it is obvious that Shakespeare could not possibly have had any film technique, and recent research has proved that he did not even have an eight-seater saloon car with his own uniformed chauffeur.
  • Верны ли соответствия?
  • А) to flatter – льстить
  • В) to improve - устанавливать
  • Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination: "Excuse me, sir," he said, "but is my face familiar to you by any chance?"
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Wherever possible, offer two translations.
  • Укажите частеречную принадлежность подчеркнутого слова: And then he got up and said: ‘And the only reason for making honey is so as I can eat it.” So he began to climb the tree.
  • Укажите соответствие: staff
  • “teenager – тинэйджер”. В этом примере единицей перевода выступает:
  • “Birds of a feather flock together – Рыбак рыбака видит издалека”. В этом примере единицей перевода выступает:
  • Верны ли соответствия?
  • Верны ли соответствия?
  • Укажите соответствие: precisely
  • Укажите частеречную принадлежность подчеркнутого слова: He buys seven huge motor cars and three private planes and is bitter and pained; he builds a magnificent and ostentatious palace and gets gloomier and gloomier; and when the woman he has loved without hope for fifteen years at last falls in love with him, he breaks down completely and groans and moans desperately for three days.
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: Американцы считают правильным открыто выражать свое мнение, критиковать конструктивно, не обижая при этом собеседника.
  • Choose the best translation for the underlined word or word combination. "Because we're the poor members of the family," said the mother. "But why are we, mother?" "Well-I suppose," she said slowly and bitterly, "it's because your father had no luck." The boy was silent for some time.
  • Верны ли соответствия?
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: В профессиональных сообществах табуирована критика профессиональных навыков конкурентов.
  • “I saw him at the theatre. – Я видел его в театре”. На каком уровне эквивалентности выполнен данный перевод?
  • "One" - лексический омоним
  • Проблемами перевода текстов разных типов и жанров занимается:
  • При переводе имен собственных, терминов, географических названий, названий дней недели обычно применяются:
  • The underlined word in the sentence should be translated as: “Did I?” Francis accepted his brother’s knowledge without questions, and for a little the two lay silent in bed facing each other, the same green eyes, the same nose tilting at the tip, the same firm lips parted, and the same premature modeling of the chin.
  • Верны ли соответствия? 

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